Friday, 5 March 2010

tower project

Tower Project

For this project we were put into groups of four and were expected to design a 20m tower to be placed in Tentsmuir forest. We only had a week to design it and create a 1:10 model.

We came up with the design of rectilinear shapes canterlevering off of eachother. It would be a steel frame construction with tesion wires at the top section. There would be a timber facade hung off the frame. The structure would be exposed and there are 4 main viewing platforms on your way up the tower.

final model study

Final Model

For the final design for my habitat project, I was really influenced by Mies van der Rohe. His Barcelona Pavillion had the big extending walls and overhanging roofs which i brought foward to this project. His extended planes sectioned off the site into specific areas just as in my site the extended walls section my site into three specific areas. The driveway, The commercial and the residential. Light was the main focal point of my building to help emphasise the views. As can be seen with the big glass facade, the clients get the beautiful view of the hills and the loch.